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Attendance Reminders- Regular attendance is essential if students are to be successful in school. As a reminder, the school day begins promptly at 8:30 AM, so our expectation is that students are in their seats and ‘ready to learn’ at this time. Please know that the first bell rings at 8:15 AM; students should go to their classrooms from their buses and the main entrance at this time. (Supervision for students begins at 8 AM outside of the main entrance.)

If your child will be absent from school, we ask that you report their absence by 9am each day your child is absent and please be specific with the reason for the absence.  Absences can be submitted using the Absence Request tool in Campus Parent, called into our attendance line (763-241-3555, select option #4 for Zimmerman and then option #3 for Westwood Elementary) or by emailing the attendance office at instructions for Campus reporting can be found by clicking here.  

If there is not a call or email to our attendance line or an absence submitted through Campus Parent, your child will be marked absent unexcused per the ISD728 attendance policy.

Early Release/After School Pick up or changes-In order to better support effective communication, we are requesting that parents send a dismissal note with their child to request a blue note for parent pick up from school.  If a change occurs during the school day and a parent must call the school, please email the attendance office at or contact the office by 2 PM.  Additional Dismissal Notes can be found by clicking here